During the opening hours of the stores of all of our users, we provide support and assistance to our customers through a team of qualified and carefully selected IT professionals.
At the moment when the problem is reported, with remote or online access, we log in to your computer and we solve the problem as soon as possible.
Our Help Desk includes the most modern ticketing system that we have personalized and customized to our needs, to be able to receive and respond to our customer needs as soon as possible. Our average response time to the query is 5-7 minutes.
Support includes solving any issues related to the software as well as hardware components:
- Monitoring and analysis of all the processes of your IT system, network and system security
- Upgrading already implemented hardware solutions and IT equipment
- Development of software solutions and software update
- Diagnosing and removing viruses and other problems in your system
- Service and upgrade of computers and other equipment
- Security storage and recovery of lost data
- Maintenance of network infrastructure and server
- Resolution of all unspecified problems related to the IT system
Our Help Desk team constantly monitors the processes related to your system in order to prevent issues and prevent the emergence of new problems.
* Support for all operating systems: Windows/Windows Server, MAC, Linux; all types of computers and servers